Naomi is an Indiana University third-year M.F.A. lighting design candidate from Aurora, Colorado. She graduated in 2017 with a B.A. in theatre arts with an emphasis in lighting design and technology from the University of Northern Colorado. For IU Theatre: Big Fish, Only Child, Barbecue, New Moves, Bodies of Light, and Three Sisters (Lighting Designer), Wonderful Town and Julius Caesar (Assistant Lighting Designer), The Heiress and Nice Nails (Master Electrician). Other lighting design credits include: Major Barbara, Spring Awakening, Orchesography Dance Concert, The Importance of Being Earnest (UNCo); Cabaret (The Aurora Fox Theatre). Other professional work includes; 4Wall Entertainment Internship (Sales Intern), Disney Professional Internship (Entertainment Technician), Anything Goes National Broadway Tour (Local Follow Spot Operator), The Blue Man Group (Local Electrician), and Cirque Du Soleil – Vareki (Local Audio Stagehand).

Naomi Gold
Hometown: Bloomington, Indiana
Class of 2020
M.F.A. Theatrical Lighting Design