Max is a junior majoring in Theatre and Drama, with a concentration in acting. Since becoming a student at Indiana University, he has been very honored to be able to tackle various roles in multiple productions, such as IU Theatre’s Three Sisters and independent projects Anatomy of a Hug and The Norwegians.
Aside from acting, Max loves getting involved on campus. He has served as the Student Producer of Indiana Campus Superstar for the past two years and plans to return his senior year. He also spent a semester as a member of Union Board’s Performance and Entertainment Committee. He is also an avid LA sports fan. Some of his favorite teams include the LA Kings, LA Dodgers, and LA Rams.
Max has loved theatre since he was very young. Having grown up in Los Angeles, he was constantly exposed to a variety of live entertainment. Naturally, he decided that he wanted to become an actor when he grew up. Max originally fell in love with live theatre when he saw Wicked at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, California. After seeing the show, he knew immediately what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.
Max is very thankful for all of the opportunities in which he has been able to perform. He hopes to continue entertaining audiences for many years to come.

Maxwell Weinberg
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Class of 2019
Theatre and Drama