All Ph.D. students are expected to maintain a GPA or 3.2 or higher. To fall below this threshold will result in probation for one semester and removal from the program if not corrected within one semester. All appropriate grades are B or higher. To make a course or seminar grade that falls below a B may result in probation.
Student progress toward the Ph.D. is reviewed each semester by the director of graduate studies and by the HTL faculty at least once a year. Each doctoral student is expected to successfully complete at least one comprehensive examination in each of the first three years, and all four exams before the beginning of the fourth year of work.
A student will be denied further participation in the doctoral program if he or she twice fails any of the comprehensive reading list examinations or the qualifying examinations.
The student must successfully complete qualifying examinations before formal admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. Examinations in the minor field are rarely required, although any department may give such an examination if it wishes to do so. Qualifying examinations are normally taken upon the completion of formal course work and before the beginning of work on the dissertation.
The qualifying examination is expected to be completed and the designation of ABD granted before the conclusion of the fourth year of work. Failure to make appropriate progress in this examination process is also grounds for probation.