Dopale!: Centering Black Diasporic Dance Intensive July 20-26, 2025, Indiana University Bloomington
Geared towards High School students interested in doing and thinking Black Diasporic dance in a contemporary cultural landscape, this intensive will expose participants to a variety of forms rooted in Africanist idioms. This weeklong dance intensive centers traditional-based African, hoofing tap, house, and Afro-Cuban movement practices and their applications in professional dance training and the humanities fields. Dancers will learn and get a deep understanding of the rhythmic elements that coincide with each movement practice offered. The intensive will close with a showing featuring student learning in the areas of rhythm interpretation, strength, spinal articulation, and performativity. Featuring talented award-winning artist/teachers at the top of their respective fields nationally and internationally, this intensive is intended to facilitate transition into college for serious dance degree-seeking students.
Beatrice Capote
Baba Stafford Berry
Robert Burden
...and others