Playwriting M.F.A.


Classes are designed to give the writer a broad education in dramatic writing, in order to explore and develop multiple ways to tell a story as well as multiple ways to make a living. Professional guest seminars, master classes, and special workshops are a regular part of the coursework.

Only three playwrights are accepted into the program, allowing close artistic and career mentorship from our highly qualified faculty.  All graduate playwrights receive at least one full production on the IU Theatre and Dance mainstage as a culmination of their degree, plus many opportunities to self-produce their work on campus. During the annual At First Sight New Play Festival, your new work is showcased to the larger community and professionals in the industry.

Teaching Opportunities

As part of the program, our students teach Intro to Playwriting, Script Analysis, Musical Theatre Songwriting, and other playwriting courses to undergraduates, contingent on adequate enrollment. 


Retention requires 3.2 GPA or higher, the satisfactory completion of all major projects, as well as a positive year-end progress report from faculty regarding your artistic and academic progress.