We are passionate practitioners of theatre and contemporary dance. We examine the place of these arts in society, bringing both classic and original creations to stage. We present our work locally, nationally, and in other parts of the world. Our shows bring audiences to their feet, allowing them to experience the expressive power and emotion of performance.
Our artistry is the result of formal instruction, individual mentoring, and the magic that occurs when people of vision and expertise work together. We give our students the space and support they need to dive deeply into the enhancement of their talents.
We produce plays, dances, original productions, works of scholarship, and publications. Our department explores all facets of professional performance, including technical production and scenic design. We are playwrights, actors, dancers, and technicians, taught by leading professionals in contemporary dance and the theatrical arts.
Discipline + Dedication
What performers do can look superhuman. They live the ethos “the show must go on.” The ease with which they move, speak, and communicate is the result of rigorous training and dedication.
The same is true for their cast of technical supporters and for everyone behind the scenes. From the playwright to the director to the crew who build the sets, run the tech, and create the artistry of the show, the mission is to bring magic to life. Theatre is an assemblage of moving parts, designed to transport us.