
The first hundred years

I was bowled over by the power of a great play, how it can just pick you up and take you along. And I loved the kind of fun we were having in rehearsal. There was a kind of energy there, and what enchanted me then has stayed with me all my life. There was a brawling energy and speed Bill [Kinzer] used in his productions. That’s still a big part of me, a kind of energy I learned from him.

Charles Kimbrough (B.A., 1958)

The stage (University Theatre) adjoining the Auditorium stage, known for all these years as the stage of the Little Theatre, has a golden history of its own and has been so productive of luminaries and such a magnet to students with ambitions in the theatre that the Theatre department and its reputation are virtually bursting at the seams.

Chancellor Herman B Wells, March 23, 1991