Graduate professional program participation grants
The Graduate School has a limited amount of funds available to assist with travel expenses for graduate students who are invited to present papers or programs at major national or international meetings. Because of the high demand on this program, the maximum award is likely to be no more than $250. Students must be recommended by their departments for this award.
If you have received an invitation to present a paper at a major national or international meeting, obtain an application form from the academic secretary as early as possible so that the director of graduate studies may consider a recommendation on your behalf. Deadlines for the department’s submission of requests to the Graduate School have not yet been set. Please see the academic secretary or the director of graduate studies for more information on deadlines.
To provide time for the department to process it’s requests, students should submit applications to the department as early as possible and no later than one week in advance of graduate school deadlines. Because COLL/RUGS are extremely limited, the student should also apply for a Theatre Circle professional travel grant. If COLL/RUGS funds are granted for the full cost of travel, the Theatre Circle application will be voided.