Music and Lyrics by Laurence 0'Keefe and Nell Benjamin
Book by Heather Hach
Based on the novel by Amanda Brown and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture
Directed by DJ Gray
Choreographed by Nikki Snelson
Musical Direction by Ray Fellman
Original Production by Hal Luftig, Fox Theatricals, Dori Bernstein, James L. Nederlander: Independent Presenters Network, Roy Furman, Amanda Lipitz, Broadway Asia, Barbara Whitman, FWPM Group, Hendel/Wiesenfeld, Goldberg/Binder, Stern/Meyer, Lane/Comley, Bartner-Jenkins/Nocciolino and Warren Trepp: Produced in association with MGM Onstage, Darcie Denkert and Dean Stolber.
A fabulously fun musical adaptation of the iconic movie and novel, this electric show is jam-packed with girl power, passion, and–of course–lots and lots of pink!
Running Time: This production runs approximately 1 hours and 30 minutes, plus a 15 minute intermission.